Thursday, February 19, 2009

Research Blog-The Beginning....

The sources I am examining at this point for my term paper about college tuition costs are:, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes magazine, The Chicago Fed Letter, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and the U.S. News & World report to name a few.

Today, I had a major research session with an upperclassmen, and he was able to find many sources for me to sort through. Using EBSCO host alone, we were able to find about 25 different articles in a matter of an hour. Because we weren't able to meet until today, and I had class until 9 p.m., I have not had a chance to read through all 25.

Some titles that seem to have amazing points that I am looking for right now. Some titles that I am going to read tonight are: School for Scandal from Forbes, Chicago Fed Letter's The changin value of education, Colleges Seek To Address Affordability; As Tuition Continues to Soar, Some Offer More Grants, Ease Aid Formulas, Lock In Fees by the Wall Street Journal, tje Chronicle of Higher Education's College Too Pricey? Dont Blame Faculty Pay, and Costly Cap and Gown from the U.S. News & World Report.

Right now, I am extremely overwhelmed with research. I think there are two main reasons why. First off, was very stupid when I did my research in weeks past using EBSCOhost. I was looking for the HTML Full Text icon that was there all along. This icon tells you that you can view the source online and you don't need to hunt for the book or journal in print. Secondly, it's Friday morning, and I have less than 24 hours to read the materials, and complete my annotated bibliography draft. In those 24 hours, I have to sleep, shower, go to class, do homework, go to work, and tie up loose ends.

From here, I am going to read all of these papers in the next few days, and start narrowing my topic. I know I am being extremely vague in this blog, but that is due to my lack of time and my slight procrastination.

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